
  • Dark Anthem Press

    Dark Anthem Press is a Black-owned, independent publishing imprint, specializing in book-to-screen properties that defy convention. Focusing on new and newly established authors, Dark Anthem seeks to become the home for diverse and underrepresented voices who write in the genres of Dark Gothic, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, and Thriller.

  • Books & Merch

    We are currently updating our bookstore & merch shop. Construction will be complete by September 1, 2024.

  • Author Wait List

    Write a different genre? Join our email list to be notified when we expand to other genres.


To submit work for consideration, the following guidelines must be met:

· Authors must own full copyright with no other attachments.

· Submissions must not have been previously published, including but not limited to print, digital or online publications, audiobook or podcasts, and contests.

· Submissions must be in standard English, Times New Roman 12 pt, pdf format. Send a sample--first three chapters only--from a COMPLETED manuscript (preferably 70k words). If we're interested, we will request the full work for review. Please do not solicit us if your manuscript is not finished.

· Please only submit works in the genres of Dark Gothic, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, or Thriller. We also accept graphic novels in these genres.
(Write a different genre? CLICK HERE to add yourself to our author wait list.)

· Authors MUST sign a release in order to upload their work for review. Release is available below. Materials sent without a release will not be opened or considered.

Ready to get published?

Please download our consent form & instructions by clicking "Get started."